Spring is coming! Or, for us southern states, Spring is here! While I love the cozy pieces that come with fall and winter, I get most excited about the pretty colors and bright whites that come out in the spring. Blush tones in my wardrobe, (faux) tanned skin, and highlighted cheekbones are a few of my favorite things.…
Like a lot of women and girls out there, I love makeup. It can completely transform your look, or can just give you a little more confidence to face the day. I never leave the house without something on my face- if it’s just a weekend run to Target, I put on a little undereye concealer, usually a little…
Whether you are ready or not, the holidays are fast approaching. And if you’re anything like me, you either have all your shopping done by the end of November or none of your shopping done by December 23rd. It’s all or nothing for me over here! So I’m here to help- I’ll post several different themed gift guides…

I'm Emily, a Florida girl who still dresses for the season! All about versatility in building your dream wardrobe, finding the right skincare for your needs, and picking makeup to enhance your natural beauty. Thanks for joining me on this journey- pretty safe to say we just became best friends!
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