One Dress, Two Ways!
When summer was approaching earlier this year, there was one trend I couldn’t wait for: palm print everything! It is so quintessentially summer! I have probably purchased too many items with the print, but I feel you can never have enough during these hot months. I found this palm print dress on Amazon for only $19, and could not resist. Being 5’9″, I had a feeling it would be a little short on me, but at that price (and with Prime shipping and returns), I was willing to take the risk. And I am so happy I bought it! It’s even cuter in person, and very comfortable and stretchy. While it is too short on me to wear many places, it would be adorable for a food and wine festival. And if you are shorter than me, it’ll be perfect!
Because I wanted the dress to be more versatile, I decided to throw on a pair of white jeans and tuck the dress under a little to turn it into a top. And it turned out adorable! I honestly don’t know which look I like better! So word of advice- if you receive an item you love but it’s too short/long/loose, or not quite right, see if you can wear it differently than designed. If a tunic top looks like a dress on you, wear it as a dress! Or if a top is a little too loose in the waist, tie the hem into a knot!
Shop the palm dress here (similar here and here)
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